United Nations Reforms

India's population is 20 times more than some of the countries who have a permanent seat in UN Security Council and there are other measures as well on which countries like India put strong candidature for the representation of Security Council. After this discussion and having views of representatives of US that it is not possible for India to secure the permanent seat in UNSC in next 30-40 years, is very discouraging for Indian youths.

I put a question, for a long term strategy, for restructuring of UN, for reforms in UN, this is the time when restructuring in UN is imperative, United Nations' existence is almost dead now a days, the current examples from Afghanistan, Libya and many similar stories prove it well. Now question is who is going to push the issue of restructuring the United Nations? Of course US is not going to support this idea... so the deprived Nations come together to raise their voice and stand against malpractices at Global front.

The balance representation of Nation states in the UN to promote the balance of power in the world community is the need of hour, today, irrespective of this the power lies in the hands of few powerful Nations and the democratic principles at globe level are not practiced.

The United Nations Charter says 'We the People' and NOT ' We the Governments' - so we people, we individuals irrespective of citizenship, religion, ethnicity etc have to come together to make power balance in world community. And India, as it has been in its blood and history, should initiate and lead the movement.

We the 7 billion people have to adopt for ourselves global democratic practices in the form of restructured United Nations.

The detailed study on proposed reforms in United Nations, I will share soon.

1 comment:

  1. The basic requirement is to change the evidence act and legislate to fully nationalize earnings through corrupt means in addition to punishing exemplarily.
